High climbing vine, adhering to its support by numerous adhesive disks developing at the ends of the much branched tendrils; lvs long- petioled, the lfls dull green above, paler and slightly glaucous beneath, elliptic to obovate, 6-12 cm, abruptly acuminate, sharply serrate chiefly beyond the middle, cuneate to the base, sessile or on petiolules to 15 mm; infls terminal and from the upper axils, forming panicles usually longer than wide, with a well marked zigzag sympodial axis and divergent branches, the fls in terminal umbelliform clusters; frs nearly black, 6 mm; 2n=40. Moist soil; Me. to O., Io., and Nebr., s. to Fla. and Tex. June. (Psedera q.; P. hirsuta)
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.